Robot Related Books

NOV 11,1989

PRICE 125.00

Sotheby's Legendary offering of the FH Griffith Collection - Destined to be the reference for the new millenium !

$ 49.99

Rare - Pierre Boogaerts Robot- Published by Futuropolis in 1978- Many collectors consider this to be the premier reference guide. It is certainly among the first. Over 295 Photos both color & black & white. Very tough to find. Long out of print $179.99

T. Kitahara Collection ROBOTS-TIN TOY DREAMS- Long out of print essential reference book 111 pages mostly color with some of the most outstanding photo's of extremely rare vintage robots. $ 59.99

Future Toys by Toni E. - A good guy & a great book. Perhaps the best new robot & space toy book in quite some time !!! You can buy direct from Amazon by following the link on my home page. I think they have the best price too !!! Or I will keep an extra on hand in case they sell out

Vintage Toys- Well thought out & presented. Good content. The price guide is completely absurd (or perhaps not in 25 years or so)  $29.99
The Tin Toy Robot Collection of Matt Wyse , Sotheby's Auction catalogue November 7, 1996 - If you don't already own this catalogue from the now historic auction here is your chance . This catalogue features descriptions & prices realized of over 250 Robots & Space Toys. Full color. Catalog $109.99

1000 Tin Toys by Teruhisa Kitahara & Yukio Shimizu by Taschen - This book contains photos of 1000 tin toys Appx. 175 pages are devoted to robots & space toys. Excellent pics & reference. Special Orders may be possible

Marx Toys- Has a value guide as well as great pics of the classic marx toys including many robots & space toys. Hardcover $49.99

1993 Collecting the Space Race by Stuart Scheneider- A hard book to find. The book has many different categories of space collectibles along with robots & space toys. Other interesting space items as well. A must have. SOLD

Collector's Guide to Battery Toys by Don Hultzman 1998 edition - This guide contains many robots & space toys among the hundreds of toys listed. There is a rarity scale that comes in handy. The prices are generally much lower on the robots & space toys than are actually realized across the country but one of few guides available.
$ 34.99

Space Stations Vintage 1950's-Willey Ley
Great classic


Vintage 1952 1st edition By Space Ship to the Moon by J. Coggins & F. Pratt-Beautifully illustrated with space stations & moon landings as well as robotic tanks p/u moon rocks! Excellent $ 39.99

1998 Yesterday's Toys by Teruhisa Kitahara hardcover edition- This is a compilation of 3 previous titles from Kitahara that are no longer in print. The three sections are Dolls, Clowns & Animals, Planes, Trains, Boats & Cars & finally appx 100 pages devoted to Robots Space Toys & Monsters . This is an excellent reference source for photos. No pricing info. $ 55.99

1984 Battery Toys the Modern Automata by Brian Moran -My favorite book. Helpful rarity guide & nice color illustrations The Author Brian Moran once told me he sold the first Machine Man Robot ever! This has one of the top robot & space toy & battery op collections in the world the featured !!
Special Order only allow 4-6 weeks minimum

1993 Baby Boomer Toys & Collectibles by Carol Turpen About 40 pages on Robots & Space Toys as well as battery toys & other collectibles . Price guide is outdated. There is a newer edition . Nice color illustrations throughout. Some nice space vehicles shown.
No rarity guide Special Order Only  SOLD

1997 Boys' Toys of the Fifties & Sixties, edited by Thomas W. Holland- Memorable catalog pages from the legendary Sears Christmas Wishbooks 1950-1969 . Notable ads shown , 1962 has Large Daiya astronaut $5.79, Mr. Mercury $5.99, Mr Atomic $ 6.79 & much more !!

Toy Bob of the 50's & 60's
Toy Bop of the 50's & 60's by Tom Frey - Some very interesting toys . Check this one out
Space Toys- by Payton - 1982 One of the Original Space toy books B&W About 85 pages. Many drawn illustrations Some nice shots

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